Community Guideliness
Overall guidelines
Dear UzTrip Users!
UzTrip is proud of gathering all trip lovers into a unique platform where everyone can share their travel experiences and seamlessly upload photos and videos directly from their phones. Since we take care of our community wellbeing to make UzTrip a safe and welcoming environment, We’ll be reactively moderating content in UzTrip. This means that any pieces of content that do not adhere to our User Guidelines or any reported posts will be removed if they violate our rules. So, please follow the Guidelines below to avoid any inappropriate content and usage of the app!
We’ll delete posts defaming others, posting porn, plotting illegal activities, or posting other people’s private information, and ban the poster.
Strong language has no place here. You won’t be able to use profanities and creative alternatives will be deleted. Please be respectful to all users in UzTrip.
This is a travel app. We can’t support off-topic posts and will remove them.
Grounds for Removing Posts
We reserve the right to remove posts that
- are considered likely to disrupt, provoke, attack or offend others
- are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
- contain swear words or other language likely to offend
- break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity. This includes breach of copyright, defamation and contempt of court
- are seen to impersonate someone else
- describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
- are considered to be ‘spam’, that is posts containing the same, or similar, message posted multiple times
- are considered to be off-topic
Reporting Content
You’ll find a ‘report page’ button under the “…” button on every Trip Detail page in the app. Please use it to report any content you believe breaches the rules.
Important things to remember
You are permitted to create multiple accounts on our applications, but they must have separate email addresses associated with them. UzTrip reserves the right to discipline and terminate multiple accounts from the same user if the user has infringed our terms of use or the spirit of these guidelines via any one of their accounts. These guidelines apply to all content you contribute, including your profile. Member posted content in our applications reflects the opinions and experience of those users, not UzTrip.
Community dos and don’ts
- lead by example. Use the ‘report’ buttons described above to report problem content.
- be sincere in your contributions. Post with purpose; to inspire, enable or share with fellow travellers.
- discuss how to commit illegal activity.
- create content of a discriminatory or derogatory nature.
- create explicit content. Material which would be restricted or considered ‘adult’ (such as pornography or relating to graphic violence).
- post personal details or private information about any other person (or anything contrary to our privacy policy).
- impersonate another person, including UzTrip staff or authors.
Please resolve issues on your own time, through your own channels. If you think a post constitutes defamation, please report that to us. Defamation is strictly prohibited by our terms. Upon receipt of a valid defamation notification, we will contact the Poster/s.